2021-02-23 React


keep start, build the other file delete after npm start.


  • index.js : line 3, 5, 7 to 10 delete

  • Delete src/logo.svg
  • Delete src/index.css
  • Delete src/app.test.js
  • Delete src/ app.css

why react is fast?

  • cause react is virtual and not exist.


  • in App.js use index.js Rendering, and index.html’s id tag


ReactDOM.render(``, document.getElementById(‘potato’));

  • <App/> is component.
  • react working always with component.
  • you make component and from component show data

What’s the Component?

  • Component is the function that returns HTML
  • It have function, application and returns HTML
  • This calls JSX from javascript, HTML like <APP />
  • That’s only thing in Custom from React

Use Component from JSX

ReactDOM.render(<App/> <Beach/> , document.getElementById(‘potato’));

If you follow this line, you’ll see this error: component error

As you can see, A Component next to B Component is not working,
you should App.js import B Component and use Component tag. use component